Monday, August 20, 2007

A Wonderful Day!

Hello All

I can't begin to tell you what a wonderful day I had yesterday. I had the pleasure of finally meeting Heather and Donnie. After so many months that has now grown into years and after being by their side in the darkest days of their life, I am so thrilled and my heart is filled with joy to have been right beside them at one of their most brightest. Yes! it was wonderful to meet the parents of the little boy so many grew to love and know as a "Child of God". We were so lucky to have been able to talk about so many subjects in such a limited time. As most of you know they are on their way to pick of their "Forever Princess Allie" in Guatemala. Please pray with me that Allies transition to her new forever family goes smoothly....Even though we know there is one amazing angel looking over her every move!
I will share some pictures as soon as I find my camera.... :(

I Just got the great news that Allie is in Heathers arms as I type! Congratulations Heather and Donnie!

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
Proverbs 12:29-31"

Love to all...


Anonymous said...

Amy, I love your new blog. Its a good way for me to catch up with you when we dont see each other. Might you want to make one for me.
I know how much free time you must
See you Sunday

Carol said...

Looks like you had a great vist with your friends Amy! That baby girl sure is cute and sweet. I know those big brothers will take good care of her. I can see they really like Jonathan.
I like your blog. I will for sure come back often. :)

Anonymous said...

I see your friends Love Baby Jonathan too...But who doesent? I miss seeing you at the Bagel Place. Let me know when you are going and I will meet you there.
Miss you!

Love Ya,

Lori said...

Congratulations to Heather & Donnie!!
What a joyful time! :)
I will pray for their baby's transition.

Sarah said...

Amy, that is so awesome that you went to meet Heather and Donnie and their boys at the airport and wish them well on their journey to pick up Allie!!!

I am thrilled that they have her in their arms forever!


Our Family