Friday, October 26, 2007

Favorite Foto Friday #11

Happy Foto Friday! No special reason we picked these this time.... We just thought they were super cute. This is Jonathan's Godmother Savannah who went to the beach with him. They had a good time but could not stay as long as they wanted because it was sooooooooooo hot. Jonathan loves the water.
Have a good weekend my friends!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Hi Amy,

I'm a friend of Susan Amato's. (We met through our caringbridge sites) She told me about your blog so I thought I'd drop in! I LOVE IT! The pictures of your grandson are BEAUTIFUL!!! He's such a doll! I'm with the crowd at the mall.. you could DEFINITELY pass as his mom. =-)

Okay.. so Susan "tagged" me earlier for "Picture Me" on "Wordless Wednesday." Guess what? I've tagged YOU! Hope you don't mind! I'm NEW to blogging, but I gather that all you have to do is post a picture of yourself.

It was NICE to "meet" you!


Our Family