Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Hello Family and Friends....

It has been so hectic at our house these last few weeks. I miss keeping up with everyones blog and "blogging" myself. I can't wait to be able to sit down and have nothing take me away from the computer. It seems lately these last weeks it has been one thing or another between school functions, church functions, shopping and wrapping . I am happy to say everyone is doing well. Our Baby Boy is growing so fast and changing by the day. He amazes us with all he does and how excited he gets over the simplest of things. He still chuckles with excitement seeing Jordan. It is priceless to watch how he laughs out loud as Jordan comes closer to him. Jordan doesn't interact with him as a typical child would, as you know our Jordan has autism....but it is incredible to see his face and body get so excited when he walks in the room. I wonder so much what he gets so excited over because as I said...Jordan doesn't really interact as a typical child would. Jordan is more childish and acts more goofy than most his maybe that's He doesn't even talk to him....he just hands him toys most of the time. Jonathan is crawling and into everything. He wants to walk. He is most happy when Grandma is holding both his hands and walking. He is so proud of himself when he walks. He thinks I have nothing better to do all day than hold his hands and walk. As much as I know what walking will bring, I think my back will look forward to it. He loves to help empty the dish washer by looking to see what is in there and throwing everything out to hear each item hit the floor. Iv been lucky so far to catch him before he gets to the glass plates....and I'm most happy that he is not able to reach the top rack. :)
I want to share so much with you but the rush of the season isn't allowing me to. It is just hours before Christmas Eve...and I want to finish a few last minuet details around the house. It is such a wonderful time, especially when little ones are in the house. Here is some pictures that "I" took this last week. As you can see our little baby is getting to be "not so little"
From our Family to Yours....we hope you have the most wonderful Christmas ever and always remember that "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season".

Love and Hugs...
"Let them praise Your great and awesome name. Your name is most holy!"
Psalm 99:3

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