Friday, November 21, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday.... "For Crying Out Loud!"

Hello Friends,

This week Sarah picked "For Crying Out Loud" for FFF. I new that would be no problem for us since for a long time now Jonathan does not like the camera one bit when I take it out.
As Happy as he always is..there are times when he is just not. :(
Here are a few that for no reason other than that I have the camera out he is "crying out loud"
Have a great fall weekend! We are so Happy here in Florida because this week we can wear long sleeves and pants instead of shorts. Soooooooooo different for us...and a little exciting.

Love and Hugs....

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with oneanother in love.
Ephesians 4:2


Sarah said...

Yeah... I see what you are trying to do... trick us into thinking that little angel is not always happen. Not believing it! LOL!

Kim & Dave said...


Cute pics!

Love your music, too!!!!

Anonymous said...

awwwww i missed seeing pics of your week baby boy!!!!

Lucky you its sooo cold in Ohio im moving i swear!!! LOL


Alleen said...

Hey, no fair! Some of those he's not crying!!!

He's gorgeous no matter what.

Carrie, Rich and the Kids said...

So adorable! Yes, they do not like the camera. You have to get them when they aren't expecting it, especially to get a smile!

Thanks for sharing those cute and crying moments.

Miss you!

Our Family