Friday, February 22, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday "Then and Now"....and "99cent balls"

Hello All,
All in our house is well this week! I just can not believe that it is the end of February. We are now in the season of Lent.... so hard to believe too. Thinking about Easter and Spring is just so unreal. It just seems time is going way to fast.
Jonathan is now walking fast and into EVERYTHING...and I mean everything. He enjoys opening every drawer even if he can not see in it. He puts his little hand in it and what ever he pulls out he is so happy with.I find myself putting away things and cleaning up one side of the house only to hear him on the other side making more work for me....Like when I see him carrying a box of paper clips around shaking it to hear it make noise and then the next thing I know... paper clips are everywhere. ;) His most favorite thing to do with me is to "play ball." He loves all sizes of balls. When I say "lets get your ball" he hurry's to where we keep them and smiles with delight. He loves throwing it. He throws it far, just to laugh and "walk fast" to get it. The only problem with that he thinks rocks and every other object is a ball. :) He has a toy room filled with every known Fisher Price toy for his all sizes and colors with activities. When he hasn't seen them for a few days I keep thinking to myself that he is going to get excited to see them... but when I watch him go in the room...he spots this dirty ol 99 cent ball that he insists we play with. He found it in the yard and he carries it around with him everywhere. He got a package of 6 plastic balls with an animal in each ball for Christmas and those have been a big hit also. So much for Grandpa's stock in Fisher Price. ;)

I know I have said this so many times before...but why is it that they grow way to fast? When I look at him in his crib sleeping he looks like he is such a big boy. When his Mom dresses him in his big boy clothes..he looks like he is 2 years old or a little older....and he is not! He is just a baby in my eyes. He loves to be rocked and looks so forward to nap and sleep time because he gets his bottle. When he is tired I ask him he wants his bottle. he claps his hands and shakes his head. When I show it to him he gets so excited. Each day he changes so much and we are in awe of how he does something new everyday. I definitely have truly enjoyed every minuet being with him. It has always been the "rumer" that having grandchildren is awesome...I have now lived to truly believe it. I can't imagine living far away from him. I feel so blessed not only to live down the street from him but even more blessed to be able to see him everyday. My very favorite is when I am holding him and whoever comes along and puts their arms out for him to go to them he turns his head away from them and looks in the opposite direction. I tell everybody that "he knows who loves him the most."!...I get a big kick out of that!

Here is our "Favorite Fotos" for this Friday..."Then and Now"...another reminder on how fast time has gone!


Have a wonderful weekend with family and friends!

Love and Hugs.....

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger"

Proverbs 15:1


Sarah said...

Wow! How he definitely has changed! What a gorgeous baby, then and now! Love your sweet story about how he loves those little FP balls! I love watching the wonder in their faces when they play with their favorite things!

Mom Of 3 said...

He is so cute! We have ball lover as well, and man does he have an arm. We have LOTS of toys and I honestly think we could get rid of all of them and as long as he had a few balls and some cars he would be fine. LOL
Thanks for sharing the great FFF Pictures.

Jennifer said...

He is so darn CUTE! Those big blue eyes just kill me! So precious!

I think by looking at your picture you must have been 10 when you started your family! You certainly do not look old enough to have a GRANDBABY! I hope I am looking HALF as gorgeous when I am someday sharing pictures of me with my grandbabies! ;O)


Faithful Froggers said...

I do believe Jonathan gets cuter and cuter with each picture. These last 2 have to be one of my favorites - he is adorable! I just want to squeeze him - so make sure you give him a big squeeze for me! :)

I loved reading about Jonathan! This is such a FUN, curious age. I love it!

Have a fantastic weekend!
Love & FROG,

Carr Family said...

What a handsome boy! Love the blue eyes!

Anonymous said...

He is just such a gorgeous baby boy then AND now!!!!! I know you are so proud of him!

JuJu - said...

His face is Angelic:)

Rachel said...

He is such a little cutie! I love his eyes.

JuJu - said...

Amy - on the blog post about Erin - You can click on her name at the very beginning of the post and it will take you there - they have lived in Guatemala and fought for her case to go through for FOUR months - they have made a hug sacrifice to be with their baby girl and I admire them so much for that!-
we may not agree on politics and other subjects - but I love Erin and John for what they are doing for their baby girl:):)


Tonya said...

Amy, He's just ADORABLE.. "Then AND Now!" And his eyes... WOW, they're just BEAUTIFUL! What a SWEETIE! =-)

I hope you've had a GREAT weekend!

Love you,

Jennifer said...

I was looking at your blog this morning and saw the pics of Jonathan on the swing. I am going to look through my pics to fins one of M that I have. It is SO similar! I'll email it to you later today with "Swing pics of J&M" in the subject box!

Have a great day!

Nikki said...

Aww, adorable!

P.S. Check out Blogs for a Cause for a blog giveaway!

Tonya said...

Hello My Friend! So glad you stopped by today. I'll tell Link that you left birthday wishes for him.

Lookin forward to the next pics of that BEAUTIFUL baby boy! ;-)

Our Family