Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Jordan

Create your own fancy glitter text!

Mommy and Daddy can not believe that you are 15 today. It does not seem possible that it has been that long since I held you for the first time. I can't begin to tell you all that you have taught me, for the better. You have taught me to persevere in every situation that I have been challenged with. The love, protection and admiration that I feel for you can never be explained in words. You have taught me that no matter what..there is "light" at the end of the tunnel and that God's Grace is sufficient in the most troublesome of times. When everybody no longer had hope for you and tried to convince me that your future had no life, I dedicated without complaint to persevere and make you who you are today. You are a boy who loves life, loves people, is now manageable at home, a pleasure to be around and never quits smiling. You are a boy that tries hard to over come every obstacle you have been challenged with...and without a doubt are most social for a boy who has Autism. I love you MaMa with all my heart!

10th Birthday

11th Birthday
12th Birthday
13th Birthday
14th Birthday

15th Birthday

( don't forget to click on his picture if you want to see closely how our boy has grown)

Happy Birthday Jordan!...May you always know how much you are loved and admired by all of us, and may it always be that Jonathan looks at you with a sparkle in his eye!

Love and Hugs...


Jennifer said...

Happy, happy birthday Jordan! Wow-15 years old! I wish for you that this coming year will bring everything great your way!

Hugs from the midwest!

Faithful Froggers said...

Happy 15th Birthday, Jordan!!
What a handsome and special young man - and how lucky he is to have you for his Mama!

Hope you had a wonderful birthday celebration!

Love & FROG . . .

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY JORDAN!!!! My, my, my, how you have grown up so much!!! I can't believe it!! I remember all the crazy, stupid and funny things we would do when we were little!! Boy did we have alot of fun!!! hehe! We have a special bond and you will forever be my baby boy!! "first" baby boy!!! lol I love you Jordan!!.. MY SODDY!!! x0x0x0 Love, Amy Joy

Faithful Froggers said...

Happy Birthday, my friend!!

Hope your day is filled with blessings and love. You don't look a day over 29 - and that's the TRUTH! :0)

Give Jonathan a big squeeze from Allie!
Love & FROG . . .

Tara said...

Happy Birthday smiling Jordan! Happy World Autism Day to Mommy Amy :) May it bring you peace and smile in your heart knowing that are an awesome Mom!

Tonya said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Jordan! (And to Mama too!!!)

I sure hate I missed being here on your actual birthdays. I've not had as much time to play online the past few days. =-/

Anyway.. I hope you both had FANTASTIC birthdays! Oh, and I agree with Heather, you DON'T look a day over 29. ;-)


Tonya said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Jordan! (And to Mama too!!!)

I sure hate I missed being here on your actual birthdays. I've not had as much time to play online the past few days. =-/

Anyway.. I hope you both had FANTASTIC birthdays! Oh, and I agree with Heather, you DON'T look a day over 29. ;-)


Jennifer said...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a day late)!!! I hope you did something really special and fun and enjoyed every minute of your special day!


Lori said...

Happy Birthday to Jordan~ what a cutie he is and what a beautiful smile! He has changed so much in five years! I hope the day was special for all of you. :)
It was YOUR birthday too?!

Jennifer said...

Hey Amy!

I'm tagging you! If you want to participate, go to my blog to see what to do.


Faithful Froggers said...

Okay, Amy, where are you??? I am missing your FFF posts. :)

Hope you have a great weekend!
Love & FROG . . .

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Telefone VoIP, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Alleen said...

I'm just catching up... Happy belated birthday!! what a handsome young man.

Hope all is well as you've not posted in a while.

Milk Mama said...

Those are great photos! Happy birthday to your son! I had a bit of a chuckle. It seemed like somewhere between 14 and 15 he started to look like a young man instead of a boy!

Jennifer said...

Hi Amy!

I miss seeing your posts! Hope you're back soon!


Our Family